Equine Assisted Learning

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Wellness, Team Building & EAL

Learning Life Skills and Emotional Wellness Through Horse Connections

Certified EAL Building Block Programs™ are a Skills Development Program where horses help humans develop leadership, overcome fear, gain confidence, and learn resiliency and a whole new way of communicating!

We use horses to help adults and children take back their POWER! When we work with horses, we feel a FREEDOM because horses can lift our spirits and give us hope that life can be different. This is an experiential and hands on program, an effective way to learn!

Horses have no judgement; their world is totally energy based and they respond to the energy of the people they are with. The “mirroring” that occurs is astonishing and powerful giving people an opportunity to see themselves in a different light = freedom to grow and change.


No riding or previous horse experience is required. We provide excellent facilitators and horses that are seasoned veterans that enjoy working with people!

This is an excellent program for:

Certified Facilitators

We offer Team Building and Leadership Sessions

Wildhorse also offers School Programs

First Nations adult and children programs. Excellent for staff retreats.

Foster Care and Social Services programs, custom designed to suit your needs.

Team Building and Leadership Sessions

1. An Evolution to Excellence© through Transformational Wellness Practise Experiential Leadership with The Wildhorse Herd

This is an Excellent program for Small Business Staff Retreats, School Staff PD Days, EMS, Fire, Social Services, and anyone looking for Transformational Wellness through horse connections and nature based activities.

2. School Programs – Staff or Children

Why Horses?

We offer Team Building and Leadership Sessions